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MySQL&mSQL Wertung:


  1. Getting started with MySQL and mSQL
  2. Introduction zo Relational Databases
  3. Database Design
  4. Installation
  5. MySQL
  6. mSQL
  7. SQL according to MySQL and mSQL
  8. Other Mid-Range Database Engines
  9. Database Programming
  10. Database Application Architectures
  11. CGI Programming
  12. Perl
  13. Python
  14. PHP and other Support for Database-driven HTML
  15. C and C++
  16. Java and JDBC
  17. Reference
  18. SQL Reference
  19. MySQL and mSQL System Variables
  20. MySQL and mSQL Programs and Utilities
  21. PHP and Lite Reference
  22. C Reference
  23. Python Reference
  24. Perl Reference
  25. JDBC Reference


Jahr : 1999
Autor : Randy Jay Yarger, George Reese & Tim King
Seiten : 487
Verlag : O'Reilly
Preis : $ 34,95
ISBN : 1-56592-434-7
Punkte : Neuzugang